The Second Born Pattern Illustrated:

1.   Characteristics of the First Born or Older Sons in Genesis:

  • Lost or despised the fathers blessing / inheritance.   Gen25:32  Gen49:3-4 “
  • “Must submit to the younger/second born.’ Gen25:23   Gen48:19
  • “Resents, even desires to eliminate the second born.  Gen16:12   Gen27:41
  • “A Hunter or Warrior:  as an earthly-minded man.  Gen21:20-21   Gen25:27  “
  • “One who works the ground, a tiller of crops.  Gen3:23  Gen4:2-3
  • “A fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.  Gen4:12
  • “Those rejecting the invitation to enter the promised land.  1Cor 2:14   Num32:11-12 
  • “First example of running and hiding from God.  Gen3:8   Gen4:16

2.   Contrasting Characteristics of the Second Born or Younger in Genesis:

  • “Elected to things of the spirit, often a shepherd.  Gen4:2
  • “Supernatural Birth at the appointed time, often out of barrenness . . . . . . ”                                           ~Sari~Gen11:30   ~Rebekah~Gen25:21-22 and 23   ~Rachel~Gen29:31  ~ Isaiah54:1-2
  • “Called to reign and rule over the first born or older.  Gen25:23 
  • “Destined for the inheritance as son of promise.    Gal4:22-24,   28-29   Rom9:8
  • “Often set apart/rejected.   Jn1:9-10,    11-13
  • “Confesses a desire to accept the will of God.”  Gen50:20   Matt.6:10   Matt.26:42
  • “Seeks refuge and protection from the hatred of the firstborn. Gen27:42 and 43-44
  • “New man over the Old man  Eph4:22-24 and 29-30 and 31-32

3.  Application for Us Today:   From the examples of the older and younger in Genesis, it is interesting to contrast the struggles and conflicts that they experienced, thousands of years ago, with the internal conflicts that we, as individuals, often experience between our flesh and the Spirit in our personal lives today.  Gal.5:17-18,   22-24    And as we recognize our natural human inclination to express these “personality characteristics”, we should be motivated to heed the call to put off our Old/first born self of the flesh, and put on our New/Second birth in the Spirit.   Rom 9:8    John 3:6-7  2Cor5:17-18,  19     After recognizing the pattern of the second born in Genesis, we begin to see the expression of God’s Love and desire for all His children to seek and accept the blessing of the second “new” birth. Eph4:22-24      And then, to acknowledge that our Heavenly Father is offering us the only Way to put off the “Old” and put on the “New”.   Jn14:6-7  1Tim.2:3-6     Finally to realize that accepting the free gift of salvation is a “once in a life time” decision that will determine our path into Eternal Life.  Eph2:8-10,  John 8:12   Rom6:23   2Cor9:15

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Pattern Expressed in the New Testament:

~  ”  many who are first will be last, and the last first.”  Matt.19:29-30   ~  

 ~  “, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name . . . . “ Rev.2:17   Isa 62:2    ~

   ~  ” The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. ” 2Cor.5:17-18, 19, 20-21  Luke5:37,  38  ~  

~ “But it is not the spiritual that is first but the natural, and then the spiritual”     1Cor.15:46-47,   49-50  ~

  ~  “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.’ 1Cor.15:44-45,   49   ~   

~  “put off your old self, .  put on the new self, created after the likeness of God .” Eph.4:22-24 Heb10:9-10 Col3:10 ~

 ~  “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, , . . .”Behold I am making all things new”   Rev.21:1-2 and 3 and 4-5    ~